Cyber Security Professionals Struggling to Keep up With Emerging Threats


According to new research by BitDefender, more than eight-in-ten cyber security professionals in the UK are working weekends because of the pressure of their job.

Plus, Gartner estimates that nearly half of cybersecurity leaders will leave their roles by 2025 due to the mounting pressures of the job. The research firm predicts that lack of talent or human failure will be responsible for over half of significant cybersecurity incidents, due to attrition and turnover in the industry.

In terms of what they’re concerned about, the main threats were ransomware, cited by a third, followed closely by software vulnerabilities and zero-day exploits, and phishing/social engineering at 28%.

Due to the ever-changing cyber landscape, organisations are having to improve their cyber security to remain prepared for new threats and frameworks. More than half (52%) of leaders said that they are struggling to stay up to date, with a further 20% admitting that educating their team on new changes was a “serious challenge.”

This new research shows that the increased frequency and complexity of cyber attacks is having a significant impact on the industry, which is already under pressure from job vacancies and high staff turnover.

Despite this, job satisfaction among cybersecurity practitioners is reported to be high: worldwide, 76% of cyber security professionals report that they are satisfied with their jobs. 

If you are struggling to stay in line with the latest changes to the digital landscape, please get in touch with the NEBRC at [email protected]

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The NEBRC is a non-profit organisation that seeks to educate, inform, and support businesses across the UK with staying safe online through good cyber security practices.