Watch Out! Business Targeted Scams To Be Aware Of


The UK Government recorded that 50% of UK businesses faced a cyber attack in the last 12 months with fraudsters increasingly taking new opportunities to commit crime. Be aware! Below are some of the most recent and more prolific scams that you and your colleagues should be aware of:  

1. Links tempting vouchers and discounts 

Cyber criminals are known to impersonate these emails to gain personal information.

➢ Always be confident that the link is safe before clicking.

➢ If you are unsure, check the social media accounts of these retailers to authenticate the deals.

➢ If you suspect the link is a scam, contact the retailer to alert them of the impersonation.

2. Suspicious insurance deals

There has been an increase in cyber criminals posing as insurance brokers online, offering unrealistic deals for unfeasible prices.

➢ If you think a deal is too good to be true, trust that instinct.

➢ Always conduct research before making deals; it is recommended to check the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA).

➢ Report any findings of suspicious behaviour to the FCA and Action Fraud for further investigation.

3. Unexpected bills refunds

With rising energy bills, cyber criminals are trying to harvest personal information online through fake rebates and refunds.

➢ Does your energy provider already have your details? Energy providers will never contact you through unsolicited text or email.

➢ Examine the email for spelling mistakes, addresses and numbers associated, don’t hesitate to get in touch through any included contact details to check the validity.

4. ‘Debt Collection’ 

There are rising reports of debt collector impersonations demanding ‘outstanding debts’ collections,linked to businesses that have recently experienced a change in their energy providers.

➢ Speak directly to your energy provider; they will be able to detail any outstanding debts.

➢ Don’t give information to ‘collectors’ as if legitimate this should already be in their possession.

➢ Resist being intimidated to make an immediate payment.

The NEBRC is a non-profit organisation that seeks to educate, inform, and support businesses across the UK with staying safe against cyber threats through strong cyber security. 

For further guidance, support, or news on the cyber landscape, sign up for our free core membership: you will gain access to a wealth of handy resources to help keep you and your business safe.